Registration Deadlines & Rates

Category Early Bird
by August 15
by August 31
On site rates
August 31
Caucus Member  $                  275  $                  325  $                     375  $          200
ALA Member  $                  350  $                  350  $                     400  $          200
Non-Member  $                  375  $                  425  $                     475  $          250
Retired  $                  200  $                  200  $                     200  $          150
Student  $                  150  $                  150  $                     150  $          100
Exhibits Only  $                    50  $                    50  $                       50  $            50

Register today!

Registration is being managed by the American Library Association’s registration system. You may register with your ALA membership or profile credentials or create a profile when you begin your registration process. You do not need to be a member of ALA to attend the JCLC.