It is our mission to advance the issues affecting librarians of color within the profession and to also explore how best to serve the incredibly diverse and changing communities that use our libraries.
Our vision is to help develop and foster in all libraries a culture that encourages and supports a respectful climate for diversity through the development of personnel, resources, and services.
We value what can be learned from our ancestors, our shared experiences, cultural productions, and the social, historical, economic and political forces that shape the world in which our identities are constructed. We value the transformation of libraries into more democratic, diverse organizations. And we value open and respectful dialogue on issues of diversity within our profession.
It is our goal to expand the conference and to have it become both nationally and globally renowned as the definitive venue for the advancement of diversity issues in libraries; to increase and disperse knowledge through conference workshops, panels, and presentations; to create a network of professional contacts; to develop and publish scholarly conference proceedings; and to support the growth of diversity in the profession.